
Welcome! My name is Crystal. I’m a United Methodist Woman from Missouri and I’m married to man who moved me to Kentucky! We have been married for 15 years and over those years have had a lot of ups and a lot of downs. We have four beautiful children. We love our God, traveling, cooking, and eating. I love to take pictures, dance, sew, and create. I hope you enjoy my ramblings and musings about this crazy life. Or at least, get some nugget of truth from them. 

I write sporadically to unpack my feelings, or when I occasionally fill the pulpit or deliver a kid’s message. I would LOVE to write a devotional or bible study someday. I have written bits and pieces of what might be a memoir and I may just share that here someday. Who knows. 

My children take up the bulk of my time, especially now that we are homeschooling. We started homeschooling before COVID-19 hit and I honestly wish I had remembered to write about that crazy decision process. I’m so grateful that God led us to this point in our lives, though I wish it hadn’t been so painful. We love homeschooling and learning together as a family. 

As a pastoral family in the United Methodist Church, we move every few years. I started this blog to unpack how I felt & kind of chronicle the process of packing up our family and moving to Kentucky so my husband could attend seminary. Since then, we have decided to stay in Kentucky and we are just beginning our second appointment.